Dakota Brockman and Jenna McFadden Crowned Concordia High School Homecoming King and Queen

Concordia High School King and Queen Dakota Brockman and Jenna McFadden
Concordia High School King and Queen Dakota Brockman and Jenna McFadden

The king and queen of the 2022-2023 Concordia High School Homecoming Court was announced at the varsity football game Friday, September 16th against the Wamego Red Raiders.

This year's Concordia High School Homecoming King is Dakota Brockman.  This year's Homecoming Queen is Jenna McFadden.

Jenna, the daughter of Chris and Lisa McFadden, participates in Student Council, Friends of Rachel, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Choir, National Honor Society, Panther 2 Panther Tutoring, and Scholar's Bowl.  Jenna plans to attend the University of Kansas.

Dakota is the son of Craig and Daphne Brockman.  Dakota participates in National Honor Society, Panther 2 Panther Tutoring, Track, CYO - The Deep, Trapshooting Club, Scholar's Bowl and Science Club. Dakota plans to attend Hutchinson Community College to complete his general education credits.  He then plans to pursue a degree in Astronomy or any Space Science at an out-of-state college.

This year's other candidates for Homecoming Queen were Hanna Acree, Cami Anderson, Belle Chavey and Georgia Trost.

This year's other candidates for Homecoming King were Alec Francis, Stryker Hake, Daniel Vines and Christian Widen.